On March 11, GoPlus Security officially announced that in response to the recent price fluctuations of the $GPS token, the GoPlus team announced a number of remedial measures. First, the 4.34 million USDT market-making funds frozen in Binance will be used for a 90-day token repurchase and permanently destroyed. Secondly, the additional allocation of $2 million directly compensates users who buy $GPS on the Binance platform from 21:00:00 on March 4th to 17:55:59 on March 5th (UTC + 8), and the co...
3月11日消息,GoPlus Security 官方宣布,针对近期 $GPS 代币价格波动,GoPlus 团队宣布多项补救措施。 首先,将使用被冻结在币安的 434 万 USDT 市场做市资金进行为期 90 天的代币回购并永久销毁。 其次,额外拨款 200 万美元直接补偿在 3 月 4 日 21:00:00 至 3 月 5 日 17:55:59(UTC+ 8) 在币安平台净买入 $GPS 的用户,补偿将以 USDC 形式在 30 ...
According to Ember Monitor, the market speculates that a market maker has sold 70 million GPS, but it is difficult to confirm which market maker. On the day the GPS went live, the project transferred 800 million GPS to Binance. According to GoPlus, 500 million GPS were clearly allocated: 300 million as HODLer rewards, 200 million planned for future marketing (this part has been transferred from Binance wallet to a separate wallet for storage). It is speculated that some of the 300 million tokens...
据余烬监测,市场猜测有做市商卖出了7000万枚GPS,但具体是哪家做市商目前难以确认。GPS上线当天,项目方向币安转入了8亿枚GPS。根据GoPlus的说法,其中5亿枚GPS有明确分配:3亿枚作为HODLer奖励,2亿枚计划用于未来营销(该部分已从币安钱包转移到一个单独钱包存放)。 推测砸盘的可能是分配给做市商的3亿枚代币中的一部分。由于GoPlu...
据官方公告,币安向 GoPlus Security(GPS)代币添加观察标签。此决定源于该代币在现货上市后价格大幅下跌,以及一家做市商的异常市场行为。 公告显示,该做市商在 3 月 4 日至 5 日期间共抛售约 7000 万枚 GPS 代币,且在此期间未曾挂单买入。作为最大获利者,该做市商累计获利约 500 万 USDT。币安已暂时冻结...
On March 7th, GoPlus founder Mike issued a public statement on the abnormal price fluctuations of GPS tokens after Binance went live, and apologized to the community. Mike revealed that GPS soared from $0.1304 to $0.2015 shortly after Binance announced its launch, but then the price quickly fell to $0.0642, causing significant losses to holders. Mike said that due to GoPlus's lack of market manipulation experience, the company commissioned two well-known...
On March 7, GoPlus Security posted on the X platform: "First, GoPlus has established a special project investigation team to conduct a comprehensive investigation of abnormal price fluctuations. Binance also provided additional support to assist in the investigation of the cause of the incident. First, in response to community feedback that a leaker had disclosed the online information in advance and suspected that this person was a GoPlus team member or community administrator, GoPlus immediate...
3月7日消息,GoPlus Security在X平台发文称:“首先,GoPlus已成立专项调查小组,对异常价格波动进行全面调查。币安也提供了额外支持,以协助调查事件原因。首先,针对社区反馈称有泄露者提前披露了上线信息,并怀疑此人为GoPlus团队成员或社区管理员的情况,GoPlus立即启动了...
Chicago-based trading giant Jump is returning its U.S. cryptocurrency business to full operational status after scaling back operations over the past two years due to regulatory scrutiny and uncertainty. According to people familiar with the matter, while Jump has been maintaining digital asset trading and market-making activities in other parts of the world, crypto trading volume in the United States is currently accelerating. Jump is planning to hire a group of crypto engineers and will start ...
据币安官方公告,GoPlus Security(GPS)将于 3 月 4 日起陆续上线币安多个交易服务。根据公告,GPS 保本赚币活期产品将于 3 月 4 日 21:00(北京时间)在币安保本赚币平台开放申购;币安杠杆将于同日 21:20 新增 GPS 可借资产,以及 GPS/USDT、GPS/USDC、GPS/FDUSD 全仓、逐仓杠杆交易对。
According to the official announcement, Binance HODLer Airdrop has now launched the 11th phase of the project - GoPlus Security (GPS). From 08:00 on February 19, 2025 to 07:59 on February 25, 2025 (East 8th District Time), users who use BNB to subscribe for guaranteed capital earning coins (regular and/or current) or on-chain earning coins will receive airdrop allocations. Binance will list GPS at 21:00 on March 04, 2025 (Eastern 8th District time), and will open trading pairs for USDT, USDC, BN...
据官方公告,Binance HODLer 空投现已上线第 11 期项目 - GoPlus Security (GPS)。2025 年 02 月 19 日 08:00 至 2025 年 02 月 25 日 07:59(东八区时间)期间,使用 BNB 申购保本赚币 (定期和/或活期) 或链上赚币产品的用户,将获得空投分配。 Binance 将于 2025 年 03 月 04 日 21:00(东八区时间)上市 GPS,并开通对 USDT、USDC、BNB、FDUSD 和 TRY 的交易对,适用种子标签交易规则。GPS 充值通道将于 2 小...
GoPlus Security预警,Ronaldinho的STAR10代币存在严重安全风险。GoPlus发现,代币所有者可以随意销毁任何持有者的代币。由于所有权尚未放弃,所有代币都有被无预警销毁的风险。 GoPlus Security呼吁Ronaldinho团队立即放弃所有权,以保护社区安全。同时提醒交易者对该代币保持高度警惕,并建议BNB Chain通知用户注意相关风险。
According to Coingecko data, after being selected as one of the five targets of Trump's cryptocurrency war reserve, the market value of Ripple (XRP) has surpassed Tether and re-emerged as the third largest cryptocurrency in the world. This morning, its market value briefly exceeded 170 billion US dollars.